MS of SPHHQ suspends security guard, three nursemaids of Gynae


MS of SPHHQ suspends security guard, three nursemaids of Gynae

QUETTA: The Medical Superintendent of Sandeman Provincial Headquarter Hospital (SPHHQ), Dr. Abdul Hadi suspended a security guard and three ayas (nursemaids) of the Gynae department.
According to an official notification issued here the other day, the MS placed services of four employees under suspension on account of demanding “meladi” from poor patients, with immediate effect.
Those who have been suspended are included: Munir Ahmed (security guard) and Zarbakht, Gul Bibi and Shamim Akbar (Ayas).
They were strictly directed to appear before the inquiry committee in the office of Deputy Medical Superintendent of SPHHQ.
It was mentioned in the notice, failure to comply with result of in strict action being taken against the employees under Balochistan Employees and Establishment Discipline Act 2011 (BBEDA) 2011.

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